Somass Lands
The Somass Lands project has achieved another significant milestone with the completion of phase one and two of the environmental remediation process. This remediation work was completed on schedule and will facilitate next steps in the transformation of the 43-acre waterfront property, formerly the site of the Somass Division sawmill.
Contributing to the initial success of remediation was the innovative disassembly approach used for the buildings on the Somass Lands. Recognizing that each structure contained valuable materials like copper, aluminum, structural steel, and large dimension lumber, the City undertook a disassembly method that would later pay for majority of the demolition.
Local contractors and trades were hired to systematically deconstruct each building on the site and recover any and all materials that held value in the secondary market. The City also partnered with the Synergy Sustainability Foundation and North Island College (NIC) to offer a unique learning environment where students were able to work alongside contractors to hone their skills in building deconstruction and salvage.
Through the sale of old mill equipment, steel materials and the lumber recovered from the site approximately $1.4 Million was recouped by the City. This salvage rich disassembly approach also presented the benefit of diverting 90-95 per cent of demolition materials from landfill.
Contractors, trades and partners that worked to create such a high value salvage and remediation program include. For a complete list of those that participated, please click here.
It is with deep appreciation and gratitude that we, as the City, give thanks to this group of businesses, entrepreneurs, agencies and institutions for their innovation, expertise and dedication to diversion, reclamation and reuse.
Our Selected Developer
With phases one and two of the remediation program complete, the City is now focusing on the future.
On December 12, 2023, the City announced Matthews West Developments Ltd. as the development partner for the Somass Lands. Matthews West has a proven track record in waterfront redevelopment having led Oceanfront Squamish, a multi-million-dollar project that includes a 10-acre park, a waterfront walkway and a “good mix” of residential, commercial and light industrial spaces – all things the City and Council want to see on the reimagined Somass Lands.
“After closely following the Matthews West successful waterfront development process in Squamish, we are confident they can bring our collective vision to life,” said Sharie Minions, Mayor of Port Alberni. “Their collaborative approach, combined with careful environmental considerations and thoughtful master planning, will ensure a sustainable and thriving redevelopment project for our vibrant waterfront community.”
Next Steps
While there is still much to do before we see a shovel in the ground, as a contributor to building Port Alberni’s success, you will be asked to shape the city and share your voice on the future development of the Somass Lands. Stay tuned for some big announcements in the weeks and months ahead and get connected to the project by subscribing to the project.
Click on one of the following links for media coverage on the developer announcement!
- Global News:
- Alberni Valley News:
- Times Columnist:
- Nanaimo News Bulletin:
- Chek News:
- Squamish Chief:
- MSN News:
- Ground News: