Zoning Bylaw Modernization - Feedback Survey
What is a Zoning Bylaw? Basically, zoning directs what you can build on a piece of land. Zoning helps make sure what is built makes sense (you don't want a heavy industrial building next to a school!), it helps guide buildings and the land they are on to look and feel a certain way, and zoning helps make sense of where buildings are and how we use them.
Why are changes being proposed? The current Zoning Bylaw was completed in 2014. Since that time Port Alberni has changed, expectations about the look and feel of buildings and development has evolved, Provincial legislation has changed, and new or better ideas on Zoning Bylaws have been developed in municipalities across Canada. The proposed changes aim to address these changes and new ideas to create a better built environment in Port Alberni.
What are the steps to develop a new Zoning Bylaw? The City’s Planning and Development department is proposing to repeal Zoning Bylaw No. 4832 (the one completed in 2014) and replace it with Zoning Bylaw No. 5074. This will require a formal process of first and second readings of the bylaw, a public hearing, third reading of the bylaw, the Province's Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure approval and final adoption.
But first, the City is seeking feedback from the public on the proposed changes. A survey has been developed with links to the Zoning Bylaw Summary Table (the table outlines all the proposed changes). Please complete this survey to provide your input and comments. The City is seeking to understand if there is support for the changes proposed or if more work needs to be done.
The survey should take approximately 15 - 25 minutes, depending on how familiar you are with Zoning Bylaws.